You are out snorkelling on the beautiful Matamanoa Island Reef. You spot a turtle deep down, you`ve wanted a picture of one of these wonderful creatures for so long. You turn on your camera, hold your breath, kick like crazy and barely get a few meters down before your body screams for air and you dart back up to the surface. You check your camera back in the room and your partner doesn't even believe you saw a turtle as the picture is taken from too far away to see anything.
Now imagine.......
You complete a couple of days training, you head back out onto the reef in search for that illusive turtle. You spot it down the side of the reef, but that doesn't worry you. The camera is on, you relax your breathing and prepare, you tuck your body and drop under the surface effortlessly, comfortably equalizing your ears and heading down towards your goal. 3 mtrs......... 5 mtrs ........ 10 mtrs! The turtle looks up at you but isn't afraid, you've entered his world silently and calmly. You get your shot, you start to feel the urge to breath but ignore it as you know your limits and this is not even close. Another picture and another, the turtle swims off and you follow for a while, now the urge to breath is getting strong so you decide to head to the surface, not rushing, just gently rising enjoying the wonderful underwater world. Now you're on the surface for a short recovery and after a few minutes you're going to head back down and do it all over again.
Getting Qualified:
The PADI Freediver course consists of three main phases:
Whats included:
Price in FJD
You complete a couple of days training, you head back out onto the reef in search for that illusive turtle. You spot it down the side of the reef, but that doesn't worry you. The camera is on, you relax your breathing and prepare, you tuck your body and drop under the surface effortlessly, comfortably equalizing your ears and heading down towards your goal. 3 mtrs......... 5 mtrs ........ 10 mtrs! The turtle looks up at you but isn't afraid, you've entered his world silently and calmly. You get your shot, you start to feel the urge to breath but ignore it as you know your limits and this is not even close. Another picture and another, the turtle swims off and you follow for a while, now the urge to breath is getting strong so you decide to head to the surface, not rushing, just gently rising enjoying the wonderful underwater world. Now you're on the surface for a short recovery and after a few minutes you're going to head back down and do it all over again.
Getting Qualified:
The PADI Freediver course consists of three main phases:
- Knowledge development about freediving principles through independent study with the PADI Freediver Touch™ (or your instructor may conduct class sessions).
- Confined water session to develope breathhold techniques as well as static and dynamic apnea. Goal – static apnea of 90 seconds and dynamic apnea of 25 metres/80 feet.
- Open water sessions to practice free immersion and constant weight freedives, plus proper buddy procedures and rescues. Goal – constant weight freedive of at least 10 metres/30 feet.
Whats included:
- All equipment
- All course materials
- Certification
- Approx 2 days but can be tailored to suit your stay
- 15 years old
- Have adequate swimming skills
- Be in good physical health
Price in FJD
- $570 per person (price valid 01.04.20-31.03.23) / $920 COUPLES SPECIAL OFFER